My Shame Statement, by J. Murphy

Cinema Shame




I received the invite to take part in Cinema Shame over two weeks ago. I had decided at the beginning of the year that I was going to knock as many titles off the shame list this year as possible, so it seemed only logical to make my shame public and share with you all a portion of my cinematic redemption. I have gone back and forth as to what titles I wanted to use for this project, and believe me it wasn’t easy to knock it down to twelve. So i tried to pick as varied a list as possible, featuring heavy hitters and genre classics both. Okay, let’s get it on…

My Cinema Shame List 2014 (in chronological order)

1. Rope (1948; Alfred Hitchcock)

2. Paths Of Glory (1957; Stanley Kubrick)

3. Rio Bravo (1959; Howard Hawks)

4. Lawrence Of Arabia (1962; David Lean)


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