My Shame Statement, by J. Murphy

Cinema Shame




I received the invite to take part in Cinema Shame over two weeks ago. I had decided at the beginning of the year that I was going to knock as many titles off the shame list this year as possible, so it seemed only logical to make my shame public and share with you all a portion of my cinematic redemption. I have gone back and forth as to what titles I wanted to use for this project, and believe me it wasn’t easy to knock it down to twelve. So i tried to pick as varied a list as possible, featuring heavy hitters and genre classics both. Okay, let’s get it on…

My Cinema Shame List 2014 (in chronological order)

1. Rope (1948; Alfred Hitchcock)

2. Paths Of Glory (1957; Stanley Kubrick)

3. Rio Bravo (1959; Howard Hawks)

4. Lawrence Of Arabia (1962; David Lean)


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Put Yo’ Weight On It! (Trailer Time Machine: The Black History Month Edition)

Well it’s February which means shitty weather, buying last minute cards for your sweetheart, and, of course, Black History Month. To celebrate the latter I’ve put together a special tribute to some of the baddest brothers and sweet soul sisters of exploitation cinema. Dig it!

Check Out An Exclusive Clip From Infinite Santa 8000: The Movie

As I posted back in September, the feature-length continuation of the Infinite Santa 8000 animated web series will be premiering via VOD on December 1st from Midnight Releasing. The series of animated shorts takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where Santa Claus does battle with an array of mutants, cyborgs and mad scientists, and is available to watch via their website. To get you in the holiday spirit we have an exclusive clip to share with you of Santa doing his thing . Check it out.

Savage Weekend – The Splatterday/Screams Three-Way Review

81WARVyHIZL._SL1500_For months now the demonic duo of Nom DePlume and Razor88 from The Church of Splatter-Day Saints and I have been trying to join forces for a joint review, only to have the idea put on the back-burner countless times for countless reasons. Finally the dark stars have aligned and we agreed to cover a film that none of us had seen before. We decided on David Paulsen and John Mason Kirby’s 1979 effort Savage Weekend, and who wouldn’t? It’s got Savage right in the title, right? And the poster is all kinds of badass, right? Unfortunately for all involved, this was yet another case of THE POSTER IS FUCKING LYING! Let’s do this shit, shall we?… Continue reading

Contest – Win The Conjuring Blu-Ray


Everyone seems to be loving the shit out of The Conjuring, the latest fright flick from director James Wan. Truth be told, I haven’t seen it yet. But I will, when it’s released on disc on October 22nd, and you can too – for free, even. We have a copy of The Conjuring on Blu-ray for one lucky reader to win. All you have to do is email with THE CONJURING in the header with your name and the name of your favorite James Wan film. Easy enough. The contest will run until October 22nd and is open to US residents only. But before you enter, check out the following 5 things to know before watching The Conjuring.






What’s YOUR Favorite Halloween Sequel?


Yes folks, it’s that time of year again. The season of the witch is upon us and if you’re a horror fan there’s a good chance at some point this month you’ll be sitting down with a bowl of candy corn and a six-pack of something delish (or at the very least cheap) and watching the granddaddy of modern slashers, John Carpenter’s Halloween. For many it’s THE go-to flick for the season, and rightfully so. It’s personally my favorite film (horror or otherwise) of all time, and I look forward to my annual viewing of it and a few of its sequels. Which brings me to the point of this. I want to know what your favorite entry in the franchise is, besides the original. Maybe you’re a first-night purist and love Halloween II. Perhaps you like to shake it up a bit and dig Season Of The Witch. Or maybe the Thorn curse bent middle entries tickle your fancy. Hell, maybe you’re a complete fucking moron and really like H20 or Resurrection. I’m not here to judge (much), I just want to know. So take a second and vote in the poll below and let us know which Haddonfield (or Santa Mira) horror is top of your list. I even threw in the Rob Zombie remakes for fun (or something).

Vote! Vote nooooooowwwwwwww!!!!!!


Trailer Time Machine – Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III

People can say what they want about the third installment of the Texas Chainsaw franchise, but when it comes to pure, unadulterated ridiculousness of epic proportions, it’s clear that the trailer for Leatherface stands tall.  I remember the first time I saw this back in 1990.  When the saw came flying out of the lake my thirteen year old jaw dropped. A classic, albeit cheesy, trailer to a much under-rated flick.

New Suspiria Print Now Available For Pre-Order From Quiltface Studios

Philadelphia based  artist and friend of the Basement, Chris Garofalo has been cranking out some of the highest quality film-inspired prints for the past couple years and his latest is no exception. Pre-orders are now live for Chris’ take on Dario Argento’s masterpiece Suspiria, just in time for the season of the witch to begin! Each 18″ x 24″ print is signed and numbered by the artist and printed on Razzle Berry Pop Tone French Paper (in English that means it’s fucking pretty!) Check it out for yourself…



Like I said, she’s fucking pretty. Pre-order price is a mere $25 so head over to the Quiltface Studios online shop here and take her home with you today.  You can also join the Quiltface Army by following him on twitter @QFSChris

Upcoming Screams: Infinite Santa 8000 The Movie

It’s been almost three years since Infinite Santa 8000, the animated web series from the creators of Drive-In Horrorshow, wrapped up its first season. Instead of jumping into a second season, creators Michael Neel and Greg Ansin decided to turn the series into a feature and the first trailer has just been released. For the uninitiated, IS8000 takes place in (you guessed it) the year 8000. There are very few people left on the planet, but one of them is Santa Claus. I mean, who else would you expect to survive the fucking apocalypse?  In a world inhabited by mutants and the evil Dr. Shackleton, Santa must do what he has to do to survive. The series is a lot of fun and you can check out all the episodes at their website. Infinite Santa 8000 The Movie will be released in time for the holidays this December. In the meantime check out the trailer below.